Condensed Milk: Levelling Up Vietnamese Iced Coffee with Cheese; Tin-Boiling Magic!

There’s also an adults-only jelly slice and we take condensed milk to the savoury side, with pleasingly NOT CURSED results! 

In the middle of the episode we mentioned Oxfam shampoo. Help take action by supporting Oxfam to #UnacceptInequality today.

Follow us on Instagram (@ingredipedia) and TikTok (@ingredipedia) to see visuals of our weird and snacky food pursuits.

Crab: Why California Rolls Suck (Or Do They?); We Cook An Actual Crab

WTF is in crab sticks? And also, did The Simpsons lie to us about crab juice? This episode is 50% real crab and 50% fake crab, and tbh that is a whole lot less fake crab than we’d expect from ourselves. 

Follow us on Instagram (@ingredipedia) and TikTok (@ingredipedia) to see visuals of our weird and snacky food pursuits.

Lime: Spiders, Cordial & Frog In A Pond; What Is Brazilian Lemonade?

Hmmm, are you making guacamole wrong? There’s a crucial step you might be missing. Plus the weird, wild and medically useful tale of the Gimlet cocktail. We round up the best bogan fake-lime flavoured food and drink and make your new fave hot-day drink!

Follow us on Instagram (@ingredipedia) and TikTok (@ingredipedia) to see visuals of our weird and snacky food pursuits.

Sardines: Why Are They So Hot Right Now? Plus, Sardine Cigarettes

Want to know the best supermarket sardine tins? And how you can smoke them IN THE TIN for your next party trick? There’s also some unhinged concoctions (of course) but they’re actually… delicious?!

Follow us on Instagram (@ingredipedia) and TikTok (@ingredipedia) to see visuals of our weird and snacky food pursuits.

Cream: Is Canned Whipped Cream The Best or Worst? ’70s Style Ripple Cake!

This time it’s Ben’s turn to veer off course into questionable old school recipe territory… with a war rationing number and a truly irresponsible use of cream and tomato sauce (yes, together). Meanwhile, Em dabbles in whipped cream of all forms and creates a family recipe in the style of a ripple cake. 

Follow us on Instagram (@ingredipedia) and TikTok (@ingredipedia) to see visuals of our weird and snacky food pursuits.